
After obtaining LLB degree and being practicing for 12 years, Deepthi Presenan become a Pioneer in Law. Being an Advocate have seen this scenario where the number of cases in Usual courts is lesser than the Family Court cases. A family starts to break when there is no happiness within. For a happy Living Education is not the primary necessity, but rather Inner happiness is the key. For a happy Living Higher education is not the key, but removing the dirt within ourselves and controlling our minds can make us happy within and outside. These made the backbone to be a “Mind Trainer” to make our generation a better one and help them lead a better living.Inner happiness which comes out from unaltered Mindfulness, is the key factor for better living.

Mindfulness based stress reduction or being present at the moment, could only be attained by your own consciousness. And so, our caring mind courses or training or sessions are here to divert your attention to such “consciousness”.


Our Mind powering training sessions will assist you to acknowledge your control over your life, actions and emotions. It will help you to led your focus towards cognitive functions of your brain.

Functions that could make about ability to maintain your attention, Intelligence, memory, emotions and finally your Consciousness.

This will help to led your life with flexibility to use your knowledge and wisdom at its maximum ability. Which all in turn mold you to stand up for self-improvement even in the bleakest situation of your life.

Such Sessions could be considered as an accredited mindfulness training, which are gradually developed with an experience of our mentor/mind-trainer, Adv. Deepthi Presenan out of her life journey experiences (in professional/personal/public lives). And also embraced by our Partners